Who We Are
Madrona Beach Community Water System is a Group A community water system on Camano Island, Washington. All property owners in our water system are considered “members” and own a piece of the system. We are lucky that our water is free of saltwater intrusion and from many natural and man-made contaminants. We strive to provide quality water to all our members and to educate and promote water conservation.
What We Do
Madrona Beach serves approximately 300 connections with potable water from two wells that are 470 to 500 feet deep. The Madrona Beach Community Water System was created in 1977. It is a non-profit entity that is owned by all the property owners within the system’s boundaries and governed by a Board of seven Trustees. The Board meets once per month and there is a general membership meeting once per year. All members are encouraged to attend the general meeting, to give the Board of Trustees their input about how the system is run, and to engage in the agenda.
How It Works
Water meters are read quarterly, and a notice will be sent with your water consumption for that quarter and year-to-date. This helps members identify periods of excess water use and/or potential leaks on their property, hopefully preventing any excess water usage fees at the end of the year. Property owners are responsible for maintaining the water pipes beyond the meter supplying their homes and any leaks that occur after the meter. They are also responsible for keeping the secretary updated with current email, phone number, and physical mailing address. It is suggested that you add [email protected] as a safe address in your email account so that emails do not go to your spam folder. All correspondence will be delivered electronically as we move towards a paperless system.